= helper verb that indicates an action is “being received” by an subject (eng: passive)
- られる: + stem of godan verbs
- れる: + -a stem of all other verbs
note: when appending it to a verb, the subject changes to the receiver of the action!
if you do not change the subject, it becomes the “nuisance receptive”, putting empathis that the subject is the receiver of a (bad) action.
- トムさんがケーキを食べる
- = “Tom eats a cake”
- -> トムさんにケーキが食べられる
- = “The cake gets eaten by tom”
- == “The cake receives the action of being eaten from Tom” - だれかがさくらさんの鞄を盗んだ。
- = “Somebody stole Sakuras bag”
- -> さくらさんはだれかに鞄を盗まれた。
- = “Sakuras bag got stolen by somebody”
- or -> さくらさんがだれかに鞄を盗まれた。
- = “Sakura got her bag stolen by somebody” (= nuisance receptive)
- -> さくらさんはだれかに鞄を盗まれた。