X^2 Goodness-of-fit test

= a hypothesis test that works with independent categorical (nominal) data of sufficient size (>5)


  1. Formulate ๐Ÿ’ญ Statistical Hypothesis pair
    • โ†’ H0: P = (.25,.25,.25,.25); H1: P โ‰  (.25,.25,.25,.25);
  2. Construct a test statistic that measures the closeness to H0
values \ k variablesabcd
expected frequency Ei50505050
observed frequency Oi35516450
difference Oi - Ei-151140
  1. Calculate chi-saquared statistics, look up critical value
    • โ†’ X^2: 8.44; df: 4-1 = 3; Crit value: 7.81
  2. Check if the result is above the critical value
  3. (Calculate Cramรจrโ€™s V)